Buchiuma! Yamaguchi Brands | QR Translator

Buchiuma! Yamaguchi Brands

Yamaguchi prefecture faces three seas and benefits from the Chugoku Mountains in the center thereof running from east to west



Yamaguchi prefecture, rich in geography, topography and climate, is a treasure trove of a wide variety of delicious agriculture, forestry and fishery products.

Buchiuma! Yamaguchi

We would like you to affectionately call the delicious agriculture, forestry and fishery products of Yamaguchi prefecture that are rich in natural blessings Buchiuma! Yamaguchi. There are hundreds of thousands of ways around the world to unintentionally express delicious from the mouth with a smile when you eat delicious food. We have many such expressions in Japan too. Buchiuma! combines very much (buchi)" which is a word from Yamaguchi prefecture and delicious (umai), and expresses the superlative form of delicious to mean ultra super delicious. Buchiuma! is a magical word used when you encounter a delicious Yamaguchi Brand.

Let's listen to a genuine Buchiuma!


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