Nodoguro (Rosy Seabass) (opened, salted and dried Nodoguro) | QR Translator

Nodoguro (Rosy Seabass) (opened, salted and dried Nodoguro)


Production location
The Sea of Japan area of Yamaguchi prefecture

Producers (group name)
Yamaguchi Prefecture Fishermen's Cooperative Association

Product features
Nodoguro (Rosy Seabass) 
The standard Japanese name is akamutsu , but the name commonly known is Nodoguro because the throat is black (throat is nodo in Japanese and black is kuro or guro in Japanese). Nodoguro has plenty of high quality fat on it; therefore, Nodoguro is called white fish toro (usually indicating fatty tuna). Nodoguro is eaten as sashimi, grilled with salt, cooked with soy sauce and sugar, and more.

Nodoguro grilled with salt

Opened, salted and dried Nodoguro
A fatty nodoguro is carefully processed. It is opened, salted and dried while the fish is fresh.

Opened, salted and dried Nodoguro

Introduction of production locations
Nodoguro are caught in the fishing ground off the coast of Mishima, Hagi city, Yamaguchi prefecture with offshore trawling or small-scale snurrevaad fishery. Yamaguchi prefecture ranks high in Japan in the amount of Nodoguro caught. The main place for unloading the fish is Shimonoseki city.

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