Sengokudai daikon (Japanese radish)
Place of production
Hagi city
Producers (group names)
Yamaguchi Prefectural Headquarters of National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations
Product features
A species cultivated as Sengokudai daikon is the disease-resistant Aokubi daikon, which is a Japanese radish with a green upper portion of the root. Thanks to the cool atmosphere and soil suitable for cultivating Japanese radish in the Sengokudai region, Sengokudai daikon with fine pulp that is hard to be break during boiling and is also sweet can be created. Even when eaten raw, as well as when eaten after boiling, Sengokudai daikon tastes delicious.
Shipping period: Late May to late July, middle September to early December
Introduction of production location
Sengokudai, the production location, is located between the mountains and flat areas in north-eastern Yamaguchi prefecture. The region was developed after World War II and now has 80 ha of farmland. The land that has been fertile since long ago is called andosol and is created by the accumulation of organic substances on volcanic ash, which is characterized by excellent drainage, water retention and air permeability. By taking advantage of this soil and the relatively cool weather at elevations of 400 to 500 m, Sengokudai daikon is raised mainly in summer and autumn. Producers in the Sengokudai region are certified as eco-farmers who conduct environment-friendly and sustainable agriculture, such as making soil by using compost and reducing agricultural chemicals and chemical fertilizers, in order to protect this rich environment.