Setsuki aji (horse mackerel) (Opened, salted and dried setsuki aji) | QR Translator

Setsuki aji (horse mackerel) (Opened, salted and dried setsuki aji)


Production location
The Sea of Japan area of Yamaguchi prefecture

Producers (group name)
Yamaguchi Prefecture Fishermen's Cooperative Association

Product features
Setsuki aji  (horse mackerel)
This is a Yamaguchi fish. Unlike general migrating horse mackerel, Setsuki aji settle in natural reefs, growing up eating abundant good food such as plankton and young sardines, and therefore, are characterized by fattiness and softness. Setsuki aji are delicious in all seasons, but are the most delicious from spring to summer when they are getting fat. Setsuki aji can be eaten as sashimi, grilled with salt, deep-fried and marinated in a sour sauce, fried and more.

Opened, salted and dried Setsuki aji
Fresh Setsuki aji, that can be eaten as sashimi, is opened, salted and dried.

Opened, salted and dried Setsuki aji

Introduction of production locations
There are large and small islands and many natural reefs in the Sea of Japan off Yamaguchi prefecture as well as abundant quality foods such as plankton and young sardines, which make setsuki aji delicious and fatty. Setsuki aji are high quality and very fresh because it only takes about two hours to bring them from the fishing ground to the fishing port.The main places for unloading fish are Hagi, Nagato and Shimonoseki cities.

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