Yamaguchi Abu tomato
Production locations
Hagi and Yamaguchi cities
Producers (group names)
Yamaguchi Prefectural Headquarters of National Federation of Agricultural Cooperative Associations
Product features
The Yamaguchi Abu tomato is a brand tomato passing the quality standard, which is produced in Hagi and Yamaguchi cities located between mountains and flat areas in Yamaguchi prefecture. We mainly produce summer and autumn tomatoes such as the high sugar content Momotaro Fight and Momotaro Eight, but we are also working on producing new kinds such as the Reika, which features sourness in addition to sweetness to meet consumer needs. Every kind of tomato we produce is highly evaluated because of the appearance including color, brightness and shape as well as their quality including pulp smoothness. Having introduced a fruit-sorting machine that can instantaneously select by color or size allows the specifications to be met and our products to be delivered to the food service industry.
Shipping period: Late June to late November
Introduction of production location
The production region of the Yamaguchi Abu tomato is located astride Hagi and Yamaguchi cities at elevations of 400 to 500 m, and is suited for cultivating the Yamaguchi Abu tomato because the average annual temperature is 13°C and the atmosphere is relatively chilly. We also direct our energies into fostering and promoting eco-farming as environment-friendly agriculture. We are practicing safe and secure tomato production by taking advantage of circulation type agriculture including soil cultivation using compost coming from Japanese cows raised in this region that is active in the livestock industry and reducing agricultural chemicals and chemical fertilizers. The Yamaguchi Abu tomato planted area is approximately 12 ha, which is the largest area for summer and autumn tomato production in the Chugoku District. We have accumulated small and careful farm works for producing safe, secure and high-quality tomatoes. These things lead to the highly evaluated brand tomato: Yamaguchi Abu tomato.