QR Translator

4. Shochu - loved by the samurai and working class alike

The production of shochu became popular in the Edo Period.

However, while the production process was not heavily restricted for shochu made for personal use, the sale of shochu was under the strict management of the clan.

Also, as rice was an important commodity for each clan, shochu was not produced in large quantities even in the Sagara Clan wealthy in rice .

While the samurai class and aristocracy enjoyed shochu made from rice, the working class would drink shochu made from wheat and other grains.

There is a story in which people who would tie an empty shochu bottle made of gourds to their belt and sniff the lingering smell of shochu as they went about their work in the fields. Drinking Shochu seemed to be a great enjoyment for the working class.


2. How shochu came to Japan

3. Is Kuma Shochu Japan's oldest brand of Shochu?

5. What is Kuma Shochu?

6. To Japan and the rest of the world

7. The traditional method of producing shochu

8. Washing and steaming the rice

9. Koji production

10. Producing the primary mash

11. Producing the secondary mash

12. Distillation

13. Storage

14. Bottling