Tokyo Hydrogen Museum (Tokyo Suiso-miru) Tour Guide
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Welcome to the Tokyo Suiso-miru!
Tokyo Suiso-miru is a comprehensive learning facility for enjoyably studying about hydrogen and the vision of a future hydrogen society by seeing, touching and experiencing.
Enjoy touring the building with these four characters.
Everyone's ever-cheerful leader and Sanson's very best friend.
A calm and relaxing character who gets on well with everyone
Everyone's idol who is small but powerful
A genius who knows everything and is always dreaming of the future
Floor Guide
1F Displays
The first floor displays consist of six zones such as "The potential of hydrogen energy" and "How a hydrogen society works."You can learn about hydrogen energy while trying hands-on activities with the characters in each zone and taking quizzes via touch panels.
(2) The potential of hydrogen energy
(3) How a hydrogen society works
2F Displays
You can experience hydrogen energy close up at the experiment corners and the displays featuring products from various companies.
Outdoor Displays
"Fuel-cell vehicle [Mirai]"which generates electricity with hydrogen and run and "External Power Supply" are on display.
A request for our visitors
The entire museum is non-smoking.
Please refrain from bringing pets into the museum. Service dogs are permitted.
There are no elevators in the museum.
Please use public transportation to come to the museum. (There are only two parking spots available)
1-3-2 Shiomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-6666-6761
Hours: 9:00 – 17:00 (last admission at 16:30)
Closed: Mondays, New Year holidays (Dec. 28 – Jan. 4)
*The museum will stay open on Mondays that are national holidays and close the following day instead.
We also have a twitter account for updating event information.
Weekend events / Event information
Go to the official Tokyo Suiso-miru website
©Tokyo Environmental Public Service Corporation. All Rights Reserved.