(3) How a hydrogen society works
This zone explains the mechanisms for using hydrogen energy, from manufacturing to use.
In order to achieve hydrogen-energy society, we need to build the supply chain including production, storage, and transportation to the consumption area.
Making hydrogen
There are several methods for producing hydrogen, from fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas, biomass like wood chips and food waste and so on. Also, it becomes usual decomposing water through electrolysis, using electricity from renewable energy like solar and wind power. Also, it is growing increasingly common to use electricity generated with renewable energy, such as solar or wind energy, to separate water and make hydrogen.
Saving and moving hydrogen
Storage and Transport
Hydrogen is stored until the time it is used.
The methods include making it compressed gas and liquid cooled to –253 °C. Then, it’s transported to the place where it will be used by appropriate form on the state.
1. Hydrogen is stored as liquid and moved using a liquid hydrogen trailer
2. Hydrogen is stored as gas and moved with a high-pressure gas trailer
Using hydrogen
Hydrogen is supplied in appropriate methods for the ultimate use.
One of them is by hydrogen station, particularly for fuel-cell vehicles. The construction is currently spreading in various areas.
Hydrogen is used for cars like fuel-cell vehicles, also in houses through household fuel-cells and by other means. The goal for hydrogen energy is to be safely and securely utilized in various scenes of our future life.
Activity corner!
Supply Chain and Road Map
You can challenge yourself with quizzes about making, storing and moving, and using hydrogen energy. Up to four people can play this game at one time. Try to get all the questions right!
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