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(5) Hydrogen society and our future

What kind of world will be realized in the future hydrogen society? Experience what the hydrogen society will be like.

Activity corner!

Become a resident of Neo Tokyo!

Become a resident of the imagined city, Neo Tokyo, where hydrogen society has been achieved.

(1) Touch the screen in front of you now.

(2) Select your gender.

(3) Take a photo.

(4) Select "I want to work!" or "I want to play!"

(5) If you selected –1 "I want to work!"

Select "I want to work nearby!" or "I want to work around the world!"

(5) If you selected –2 "I want to play! "Select "I want to explore a city!" or "I want to go to a special place to have fun!"

(6) Your avatar will appear on the screen.

(7) You can take home a certificate of residence for your avatar as a souvenir.

(6) Hopes for hydrogen society

Try drawing your own idea of a future hydrogen society while thinking back on what you've learned and felt.

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