Waku-Waku Discovery Zone | Kagoshima City Aquarium | QR Translator

Waku-Waku Discovery Zone | Kagoshima City Aquarium

Waku-Waku Discovery Zone

Into the Field of the Living Creatures!

“Water’s edge,” “Discovery,” and “Experience” are the keywords used for this area where both children and adults can have fun learning. The "Tidepools of the Coast" is modeled on the rocky tidepool shores of Sakurajima where the waves spout up and creatures can be discovered under rocks. At the "Mountain Stream," you can stand on a bridge and observe the small river below. There are specimens on display by the aquarium staff in the Jimbei House and you can observe the growth of eggs through a microscope in the Medaka Corner. The whole area is full of exciting activities and discoveries to be made.