The Ocean of Kagoshima | Kagoshima City Aquarium | QR Translator

The Ocean of Kagoshima | Kagoshima City Aquarium

The Ocean of Kagoshima

An Ocean With Many Faces is a Treasure Chest for Sea Creatures

Kagoshima Prefecture is very long, stretching 600 kilometers north to south. It includes the East China Sea, the Pacific Ocean, and Kinko Bay. Kinko Bay is particularly expressive, especially the mouth of the bay which is affected by the warm Kuroshio Current. Here you can find coral growing and brightly colored tropical fish. Red seabream, popular among fishermen, come into the bay to lay their eggs and rare deep-sea creatures that live at a depth of over 200 meters can also be found. You’ll be surprised how the rocks, seaweed, brightness, and other features are all of the same ocean but create completely different underwater environments throughout the area.