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Takisan-Ji Temple Sanmon Gate (Nationally Designated Important Cultural Property)

Takisan-ji Sanmon Gate, the starting point for the Oni Festival procession, is said to have been built in 1267 by Hida Gon no Kami Fujiwara Mitsunobu. It is constructed in the Sangen’ikko architectural style, being a three-by-two bay gate structure with the entrance through the central bay, and featuring a shingle covered gable roof. Statues of Nio guardians are enshrined within the bays on either side of the passage. Legend tells that the rafters on the upper floors’ southeastern side are fitted upside down, and that the master builder, ashamed of his inability to do a perfect job as a craftsman, committed suicide by jumping from the top of the structure. This legend is remembered in the lyrics of the Takisan-ji Oni Festival Song, which is sung during the Oni Festival procession.

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