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Sugou Riverbank Ishigaki Stone Walls (Location: western sections)

 Excavations confirmed that about 400 m of stone wall still remains from this point eastwards upstream along the Sugou River. According to illustrations, the western sections’ stone walls veered northwest from around this point, while the stone walls of the moat surrounding the castle’s western Hakusan Bailey continued on, reaching the protective outer earthworks. According to the excavations, the stone walls are buried 3 m deeper than can currently be seen.

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Okazaki Castle Outer Moat Enclosure  >

Sugou Riverbank Ishigaki Stone Walls (Location: western sections)

 Excavations confirmed that about 400 m of stone wall still remains from this point eastwards upstream along the Sugou River. According to illustrations, the western sections’ stone walls veered northwest from around this point, while the stone walls of the moat surrounding the castle’s western Hakusan Bailey continued on, reaching the protective outer earthworks. According to the excavations, the stone walls are buried 3 m deeper than can currently be seen.