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Ni-no-Maru Ido( Second Bailey Well)

 The Ni-no-maru (second bailey) housed the lord’s residential palace, and according to documents, contained four water wells. This well was discovered during excavations and being located in the northeastern part of the palace, it is thought to have been near the kitchen and stables. The total number of wells within Okazaki Castle is unknown, but in addition to the Ni-no-maru wells, two Honmaru (main bailey) and one Sakatani Kuruwa (Sakatani bailey) wells are still visible.

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Ni-no-Maru Ido( Second Bailey Well)

 The Ni-no-maru (second bailey) housed the lord’s residential palace, and according to documents, contained four water wells. This well was discovered during excavations and being located in the northeastern part of the palace, it is thought to have been near the kitchen and stables. The total number of wells within Okazaki Castle is unknown, but in addition to the Ni-no-maru wells, two Honmaru (main bailey) and one Sakatani Kuruwa (Sakatani bailey) wells are still visible.