Honmaru (Main Bailey) | QR Translator

Honmaru (Main Bailey)

Okazaki Castle’ s central precinct, the Honmaru, is situated on a hill, strategically surrounded by the natural moats of the Yahagi River to the west, and the Sugou River (now known as the Otogawa River) protecting its southern border. During the Edo Period, (1603 – 1868) many defensive structures such as the castle keep and numerous yagura watchtowers guarded this area.

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Honmaru (Main Bailey)

Okazaki Castle’ s central precinct, the Honmaru, is situated on a hill, strategically surrounded by the natural moats of the Yahagi River to the west, and the Sugou River (now known as the Otogawa River) protecting its southern border. During the Edo Period, (1603 – 1868) many defensive structures such as the castle keep and numerous yagura watchtowers guarded this area.