Market functions and roles
The Relationship Between Our Daily Life and Wholesale Market
A variety of fresh foods are cooked in delicious ways and served on our dining table every day. In what way are the fresh foods delivered to us?
Wholesale market plays important roles in connecting our dining tables with producing areas.
Various kinds of people and workers work there with energy and passion to deliver fresh foods and flowers to us securely. See the following descriptions regarding the flow of goods from producing area to our home, which will help us to learn the function of wholesale market and the people concerned.

From producing area
Fruits, vegetables, beef cattle, pork pig and beautiful flowers raised by farmers with great efforts and marine products caught by fishermen are transported to wholesale markets in Tokyo not only from all of Japan but all over the world.

Wholesale market
~Between our daily life and producing areas such as sea and farmland in Japan and the world~
People who work in wholesale market Wholesalers sell the goods transported from producing areas to intermediate wholesalers and authorized buyers not only through auction stipulated as a basic trade method in wholesale market trade but also through negotiation. Intermediate wholesalers who are permitted to have shops in the market by the authorities divide goods into small quantities and sell them to the retailers and other buyers such as restaurant, supermarket. Authorized buyers as well as intermediate wholesalers are permitted to buy goods directly from wholesalers through auction and other trade method.
The main role of wholesale market
Collection: A wide variety of produce in vast quantity is gathered from all of Japan and abroad.
Fair pricing: The price of goods is determined by auction regarded as basic trade method and others, reflecting the day’s supply and demand of the goods.
Distribution: Produce gathered in the market is divided into smaller quantities and sizes and sold to a number of purchasers coming from the town such as fishmongers, butchers and so on.
Reduction in distribution expenses: The expense of transportation and others incurring in distribution can be reduced by dealing goods in large quantities at one place.
Providing information: Information on what and how much farm and marine products delivered in the market, as well as on the wholesale trading prices on the day is announced promptly to prevent confusion in trade.
Hygiene inspection: Hygiene checks on the goods and guidance to workers are conducted by the sanitary inspectors of the authorities to maintain the goods in reliable conditions.

Fishmongers, Greengrocers, Butchers, Florists and Supermarkets
We usually buy foods and flowers at the shops of fishmongers, greengrocers, butchers, florists and supermarkets etc. They come to wholesale market in the early morning to buy a variety of foods and flowers. After going back to their shops, fresh foods and flowers (as they are or processed) are to be displayed neatly to help customers select easily the goods they want. Thanks to wholesale market, we can enjoy a variety of foods and flowers in our daily lives.

At dining table
While we sleep at night, the workers concerned collect huge variety of goods not only from all of Japan but also from all over the world, selling them through auction in a loud voice, evaluating them with professional skills, and delivering them to us. They are playing very important roles in supporting our daily food life.