Let’s Explore Cupo・la M4-Floor! 〜Counseling Desk for Foreign Residents〜
Walk 1-minute from Kawaguchi Station East Exit, you will find “Cupo・la” main building in front of you.
Do you know 【M4-Floor】, the floor stuck between 4th and 5th floor in the building?
Just walk along on a pedestrian deck from the station to the Cupo・la main building, then go upstairs to the M4-floor by an elevator or an escalator.
On this M4-floor, you will find administrative services sections as “Kawaguchi Citizen’s Partner-Station”, “Kawaguchi Volunteer Center”, “Counseling Desk for Foreign Residents”. Among notices covering one of the entrance walls, lists of volunteered Japanese language classes, that are held in Kawaguchi City as many as 21 classes, draws my attention. Each place and day is specified in there, you will be able to find classes suite to your schedule.
At an information counter coordinated by the Multicultural Coexistence Desk, you will have free access to various information written in Chinese, English, Vietnamese, Korean, Tagalog, Turkish, and of course in Japanese. And you can enjoy checking each brochure and fliers to your heart’s content.
Is this the place only displaying information and booklets? To solve this simple question, I asked Ms. Yao, one of the Municipal Coordinator for International Relations. Originally Chinese, she speaks Japanese and English very well, and is a coordinator with five years’ experience on this job. She says, this is the place called “Kawaguchi Citizen’s Partner Station”, which have been established to promote residents’ volunteer activities and civic cooperation. Also, in here, this Multicultural Coexistence Desk operates Counseling Desk for Foreign Residents. I wondered what kind of services we can get at this counter. If you are a non-Japanese speaker and received notices or letters from the municipal office, schools, etc. and have no idea how to deal with them, then this counter helps you to understand the situation. In case you have got a situation and do not know what to do with it, come to the counter and ask the person in charge. Three Coordinators that includes Ms. Yao, and Counselors for Non-Japanese Speakers are here to help you. Once-a-month Legal Consultation is also held in this place. It is reassuring having access to such services when you are living in a foreign country, is not it?
In Kawaguchi City, many volunteer groups are active in each field. When they have events, you can get information on them on this floor. Not only foreign residents, but also Japanese can get access to plenty of useful information in here.
It seems to me that M4-floor’s 【M】 is not only stands for “Mezzanine”, but also stands for “Much Information”!
There is “Administrative Services Center, Kawaguchi Station” on 4th-floor, Chuo-Public Library on the 5th-floor. When you have some spare time, wh y do not you drop in on the M4-floor. You may find some hottest information of Kawaguchi City.
Place: Kawaguchi Citizen’s Partner Station
M4-Floor, Cupo・la Bldg. 1-1, Kawaguchi 1-chome, Kawaguchi City
TEL: 048-227-7607 FAX: 048-226-7718
Open: Tue~Sun (Closed on New Year holidays(Dec 28 – Jan 4)・Holidays appointed by the law concerning National Holidays)
Open hours:Tue〜Sat 9:00〜20:30 Sun 9:00〜17:00
※Please check open hours of “Counselling Desk for Foreign Residents” on Kawaguchi City official website.
Editor’s Note
The dusk from the window of M4-floor is magnificent. By Zunko
“Discover! Kawaguchi” Editorial Staff : Zunko
Supporting my fave musician is my life!
Let’s Donate Our Blood!
Here is a question for you who happened to be reading this page.
- Age 16 and over.
- 4 weeks have passed since the latest disembarkation to Japan.
- Have not accepted dental treatment in the past 3 days.
- Have not received any vaccination recently.
※Please visit the Japanese Red Cross Society official website for
Further details. https://www.jrc.or.jp/donation/first/
If you meet all the conditions above, you are eligible to donate your blood.
For novices at donating blood and has no idea how it would be like, I have visited Blood Donation Room marked with its mascot figure, “KENKETSU-Chan”. It is 30 seconds of walk from Kawaguchi station, East exit.
Do not forget to bring a photo-attached personal ID if it would be your first blood donation.
It is recommendable to book via App. for web members called Love Blood ※, to save your time and make registration easier. 献血Web会員サービス「ラブラッド」|日本赤十字社 (kenketsu.jp)

Fill out the questionnaire with your weight, blood pressure, pulse frequency, etc. then wait for a doctor’s interview while you rehydrating. When the body gets terribly cold, it will get harder to find your veins.
Also, cold body temperature slows blood flow. So, you would better have something hot in the waiting room while waiting for your turn of blood donation. Feel free to have hot soups and beverages in the waiting room. They are all free.
After doctor confirms there is no problem with your blood, then, you are ready to start. A whole blood donation takes about 10 to 15 minutes. After you donate your blood, you will need to have a good rest at least half an hour in the waiting room. Rehydration is also important at this point. After given instructions on the day of blood donation, such as to avoid hard exercise and alcohol, etc. then you are free.
“Saving Someone’s Life”, that is what the blood donation is.
I understand you are having days packed with schedule, however,
somehow find the time to open the door to the Blood Donation Room. Your kindness will save someone’s life. We all rely on your cooperation.
Editor's Note
They will give you a bit of treats when you leave. Happy rewarding, isn’t it? by Zunko
“Discover! Kawaguchi” Editorial Staff : Zunko
Supporting my fave musician, that’s my life!
Acquire Practical Japanese Skill at Shibazono Japanese Class!
With about 30 learners and 20 volunteered teaching staff, it is one of the largest Japanese classes in Kawaguchi City.
On your first day, you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire asking your reading and writing skills of Japanese and your personal goal. You will not get nervous because you can learn Japanese in accordance with your levels here.
Let us put what you have learned at into practice in your daily conversation or working routines!
Name of the Class: Shibazono Japanese Class
Open: Every Sunday from 15:00~17:00
Place: Shibazono Kominkan: 15, Shibazonocho 3-chome, Kawaguchi City
Contact: 090-9352-6524(Mr.Hagino)

Editor’s Note
Class was filled with learners from different countries and different age groups, though the atmosphere is distinguishably cordial. They were all fervently learning Japanese in there.
What is it like “Shibakita Nihongo Club”?
What will you do, if you want to learn Japanese?
“I will enroll in a Japanese language class”
“I will do a self-study with learning materials on weekends, since I am working on weekdays”
“I will make friends with Japanese”
“I am just arrived here, so I have not an idea…what shall I do?”
If your answer falls on any of the above, please knock on the door to “Shibakita Nihongo Club”. I am sure it helps your learning.
“Shibakita Nihongo Club”
Every Sunday 1:00 pm ~ 3:00 pm Free of charge
Please contact us before you come
Contact :090−7568−0631:Mr.Kubo
Editor's Note
Teaching staff are rather caring Dads and Moms to you! By Zunko
“Discover! Kawaguchi” Editorial Staff : Zunko
Supporting my fave musician, that’s my life!