Miyagi Great East Japan Earthquake Tsunami Tradition Hall | QR Translator

Miyagi 3.11 Tsunami Disaster Memorial Museum

When the Great East Japan Earthquake struck at 2:46 PM on March 11, 2011, many precious lives were lost, and our home was met with destruction on a staggering scale.

In order to prevent the repeat of that same tragedy and mass chaos, we must pass on the memories and lessons of the Great East Japan Earthquake to future generations. The people and affected regions must continue to work together for the revival and restoration of the stricken areas. Such is our duty.

Recognizing this responsibility, the Miyagi 3.11 Tsunami Disaster Memorial Museum has been established as a location where we can reaffirm these vows made for our future.

To ensure that we are prepared for the disasters to come, we will endeavor to reach out to all of Japan, the world and future generations to share information and encourage open exchange.

March 2021