Tatsumi Yagura Watchtower Stone Base | QR Translator

Tatsumi yagura Watchtower Stone Base

The base of this particular watchtower is considered among the highest quality stonework within Okazaki Castle, being of large, cleanly cut and well-fitted stones. The clean ridgelines of the cornerstones display the zenith of stone processing skill.

The Tatsumi Watchtower atop these stones was located south east of the main keep, and its role was to monitor and defend the route between the Honmaru (main bailey) and the Inkyo Bailey.

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Tatsumi yagura Watchtower Stone Base

The base of this particular watchtower is considered among the highest quality stonework within Okazaki Castle, being of large, cleanly cut and well-fitted stones. The clean ridgelines of the cornerstones display the zenith of stone processing skill.

The Tatsumi Watchtower atop these stones was located south east of the main keep, and its role was to monitor and defend the route between the Honmaru (main bailey) and the Inkyo Bailey.