Jibutsudo Kuruwa Koshimaki Waist-Band Stone Wall | QR Translator

Jibutsudo Kuruwa Koshimaki Waist-Band Stone Wall

The koshimaki ishigaki, literally “waist-band stone wall”, is a retaining wall built around the lower parts of an embankment.

The size and shape of the stones here have been altered to fit, and are laid with all horizontal joints aligned. The cornerstones in particular have been carefully worked smooth with an iron chisel, and remain representative of early Edo period (1603-1868) stone wall construction methods.

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Jibutsudo Kuruwa Koshimaki Waist-Band Stone Wall

The koshimaki ishigaki, literally “waist-band stone wall”, is a retaining wall built around the lower parts of an embankment.

The size and shape of the stones here have been altered to fit, and are laid with all horizontal joints aligned. The cornerstones in particular have been carefully worked smooth with an iron chisel, and remain representative of early Edo period (1603-1868) stone wall construction methods.