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Towada City Guide

Kanchogai Avenue (Nickname: "Komakai-Do")

Arts Towada

Art in the City

Sculptures, Monuments, etc.

Event Information

Kanchogai Avenue (Nickname: "Komakai-Do")

Kanchogai Avenue is the symbolic road of Towada City. It is a particularly beautiful thoroughfare among Towada's streets, which are neatly laid out in a grid pattern.

Towada City prospered as a horse-rearing area. Soon after the end of WWII, land of the former Military Horse Replenishment Department was opened and developed as a site for government offices. National, prefectural, and city government offices line the road on both sides, and the area is designated as an office district under the City Planning Law.

The 1.1 km long and 36-meter-wide thoroughfare is lined with four rows of cherry and pine trees. The cherry blossoms and illuminations bring color to the area in spring and winter, respectively.

On both sides of the path, there are horse sculptures and water streams that each represent the Oirase Gorge and the Inaoi River. On the south side of the trail, 161 stone plates inscribed with tanka, haiku, and senryu poems are embedded in the ground, allowing visitors to enjoy the local culture and arts as they walk.

In 1986, it was selected as one of the "100 Best Roads in Japan" due to its enduring popularity among citizens as a festival and event site.

Arts Towada

The Towada Art Project is an art-based urban development project that envisions the entire Kancho-dori as a single museum, creating a space where many people can enjoy and interact with a variety of art.

The city is lined with numerous pieces of street furniture and buildings designed by renowned architects, creating a world of art that unfolds from the Towada Art Center.

Towada Art Center
Designed by NISHIZAWA Ryue

Civic Center Plaza "Toware"
Designed by KUMA Kengo

Civic Library
Designed by ANDO Tadao

Towada City Community Center "Towafuru"
Designed by FUJIMOTO Sosuke

Art in the City

SUZUKI Hiraku, Stones Playing with Lights

KONDO Tetsuo, pot

HIDAKA Erika, cloud

KOBAYASHI Yasuhiko, High Sky

LIU Jianhua, Mark In The Space



SUZUKI Yasuhiro, Quantum Apples

Layla Juma A. RASHID, Worms-A

MOTOYAMA Hiroko, Yokodori

Sculptures, Monuments, etc.

❶❼OMORI Tatsuro, Horseshoe motif road sign

SATO Churyo, Kaze(Wind)

YAMAMOTO Masamichi, The Way Back

SATO Churyo, Early Fern

❺⓫OMORI Tatsuro, Saddle-shaped historical information board

OMORI Tatsuro, Curiosity

Site of the former Military Horse Replenishment Department

SUZUKI Toru, Compassion

KOBATAKE Hiroshi, Carillon

MINETA Toshiro, With Light and Wind

Event Information

Spring Festival

(Around late April)

The event is held in the Kanchogai Avenue and Central Park area.

During the festival, the City Hall observation terrace is opened to the public, and visitors can enjoy the cherry blossoms and city art at the same time, as well as nighttime illuminations and other views of Towada that are only available during this time of year.

Summer Festival Fireworks Display

(August 14)

This is an unusual fireworks display for Japan in that the fireworks are launched in the center of the city.

On the day of the event, spectator seats are set up in the athletic field, and the Kanchogai Avenue sidewalks are lined with numerous stalls creating a lively atmosphere.

Fall Festival

(Around early September)

This is the largest festival in Towada City.

On Saturday, the second day of the festival, nighttime floats are paraded along Kanchogai Avenue and there is contest for performing Towada-bayashi, traditional Japanese festival music. Visitors can enjoy the gorgeously decorated floats and splendid drumming performances.

Arts Towada Winter Illuminations

(From mid-December)

Blue LED lights cover the entire art square like a carpet of light, creating a fantastic world. The various artworks take on a different appearance from the daytime, fascinating visitors.

Click here for Towada City sightseeing pamphlets
Some pamphlets may only be available in Japanese.

More Information

Towada City Sightseeing Map

Lake Towada

Oirase Gorge

Towada Travel



