Ryuren no Kane (The Bell of the Dragon's Love)

In honor of this legend, Ryuren no Kane (The Bell of the Dragon's Love) stands on Lover's Hill on Enoshima.
"The Legend of the Goddess and the 5-Headed Dragon"
Long ago there lived a 5-headed dragon. The dragon demanded sacrifices be made to him, caused floods, and rained down fire, committing one wicked act after another. In the year 552, the Heavens and the Earth suddenly began to shake and a goddess appeared above the clouds. Gradually, the clouds gave way to sunlight, and Enoshima was born. The Dragon immediately fell in love, and asked for the goddess' hand in marriage, but knowing of the wicked acts the Dragon had committed, the Goddess refused. Not prepared to give up, the Dragon vowed to mend his ways, and so the goddess (known as Benzaiten) agreed to marry him. On the shore opposite Enoshima lies "Dragon's Mouth Mountain". The Dragon turned into the mountain so as to watch over the goddess, even after death, and it is said that the Dragon still keeps watch over Enoshima today. Due to "The Legend of the Goddess and the 5-Headed Dragon", Enoshima is today famous as a spiritual site for marriage.

It is said that couples who ring the bell and then attach a padlock to the nearby wire fence will enjoy eternal love.
Enoshima Sightseeing "What to See"
Enoshima Benzaiten Nakamise Street
Enoshima Samuel Cocking Garden and Enoshima Sea Candle
Ryuren no Kane (The Bell of the Dragon's Love)
Enoshima Iwaya cave, Benten Maru