Naramachi Area
Category: Townscape
Naramachi is the area centered around the world-heritage Gangoji temple, and it retains the old townscape. The distinctive features of machiya, townhouses built sometime in the 18th century, are that they are built with a narrow opening, and they extend far into the back. In order to use limited space efficiently, some unique ideas such as hakokaidan or box stairs, where stairs and furniture are built all in one, are applied in its structure. The wide wooden kōshi, or latticework, is also characteristic of machiya in Nara prefecture. They serve as screens, making it difficult to see inside from the outside, and they regulate wind and sun from coming inside. Red stuffed toys hung at the front of the houses are charms against evil forces. As people believe that they take the misfortune instead of the family members, they are called migawari-saru translating to scapegoat-monkeys. Recently, the numbers of old machiya, used as cafes and general variety stores have increased, making the new coexist with the old in the town.
Nakanoshinyacho, Nara city (and more)
15 minute walk from JR Nara Station, 10 minute walk from Kintetsu Nara Station
6 minutes by bus from JR Nara station, 12 minutes by bus from Kintetsu Nara station.
Near the Tanaka-cho bus stop
Official Website

Sightseeing Spots in the area
World Heritage Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara
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