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Kanku Subway Special tickets

A convenient way to save money travelling between a station in Osaka and Kansai-Airport.

Ticket details


Between Subway/New Tram stations and Namba Station



Between Namba and Kansai-Airport stations

Valid for

NANKAI RAILWAY Between Namba and Kansai-Airport stations
SUBWAY Between Subway/New Tram stations and Namba Station

*You can only change between the subway and Nankai lines at Namba Station.

Sale period

All Year

Validity Period

Only valid on date issued


Adults::1,020 yen

Children: :510 yen

Available from

NANKAI RAILWAY:Ticket machines at Kansai-Airport Station

SUBWAY:Subway Line: Ticket machines in Subway and New Tram stations (excluding Namba, Higashi-Umeda, and Tengachaya)


*You can only change between the subway and Nankai lines at Namba Station.

*Refunds are accepted for unused tickets only on the date they were issued and at the station where they were issued. (A handling fee will be charged.)

Where to inquire

Nankai Telephone Center::06-6643-1005 (8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.)
(Excluding New Year holiday period)
* Japanese language only.

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