Basic Knowledge of the Pilgrimage (3) Nōkyōchō and Omie | QR Translator

Basic Knowledge of the Pilgrimage (3) Nōkyōchō and Omie


Onōkyō (Goshuin or temple stamp) is a mark that you have dedicated sutras to the principal image and Kōbo Daish by reading sutras or transcribing sutras at each temple. That's why it is called onōkyō (offering sutra). After dedicating sutras to the principle image and Kōbo Daishi, please receive your onōkyō at the nōkyōsho (stamp office). You will also receive blessings of the principal image and Kōbo Daishi . We recommend you receive it.

  • The nōkyōsho is open from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.

  • As a general rule, please receive the onōkyō at the nōkyōsho after dedicating sutras to the principal image and Kōbo Daishi. However, if you have arrived just before the closing time of the nōkyōsho (5:00 pm), you can tell the staff and ask to receive the onōkyō first.

  • Please be aware that this is not just a stamp for tourism.
    Items other than a stamp book, a scroll, and a pilgrim's shirt that is not worn may not be accepted.

  • If you visit the same temple two or more times, you will receive your new onōkyō over the previous one.

  • In spring and autumn, the nōkyōsho may be crowded. Please allow plenty of time for your visit.

  • The temples are open all year round, but please be careful as the sun sets early in winter and there are dangerous places along the way.



When you receive onōkyō on your nōkyōchō, you will also receive an omie (prayer slip with a picture of the temple’s main deity).
Please take good care of it as it is representation of the principal image of the temple.
If you have done many pilgrimages, you can refuse to accept the omie.

  • Colored omie are also available, 200 yen each.

  •  The omie of Kōbo Daishi , which is placed in the center of the display, is awarded by the office of the Reijokai.

  •  If you only want the black and white omie, it is 100 yen.


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