Temple 68, Jinnein | QR Translator

Temple 68, Jinnein

History of the temple

Temple 68, Jinnein, and Temple 69, Kannonji, are located side by side, halfway up Mt. Kotohiki, a small mountain in Kotohiki Park. They are the only pair of pilgrimage temples located together like this.

Jinnein was founded by Nissho Shonin, a high priest of the Hossō sect of Buddhism. He received an oracle from the Usa Hachimangu Shrine in 703 when he was practicing asceticism in this area. After discovering a sacred boat and a koto (a Japanese musical instrument resembling a harp), he built the Kotohiki Hachimangu Shrine at Mt. Kotohiki and enshrined the boat and the koto there. Jinnein was built as a branch of this shrine. Kobo Daishi carved a statue of Amida Nyorai (Buddha of Limitless Light and Life) in 807, enshrined it as the principal image of the Kotohiki Hachimangu Shrine, and designated it as the 68th temple of the Shikoku Pilgrimage. Later he renamed the temple Jinnein (Temple of Divine Grace).

In 1868, Jinnein and the Kotohiki Hachimangu Shrine were separated under the edicts separating Buddhist and Shinto sites issued by the Meiji Government and Jinnein was moved to the premises of Kannonji. At the same time, the statue of Amida Nyorai which had been enshrined in Kotohiki Hachimangu Shrine was moved to the Saikondo of Jinnein. The statue of Amida Nyorai became the principal image of the temple and the Saikondo (built in 2002) became its Hondo, while Jinnenin became the 68th sacred site of the Shikoku Pilgrimage. Previously the shrine had acted as the 68th site.



The Hondo, newly built in 2002, is a modern structure made of concrete and white wood.

Homotsukan (Treasure House)

The Hotsukan holds a number of temple treasures designated as National Important Cultural Properties, including a statue of the reclining Buddha, the Kotohiki Hachiman Honchi Butsuzo Zu, and the Kotohikigu-E Engizu. They are on public display on February 15 and April 8.

Gigien Garden

This is a vast garden which skillfully uses the slopes of the mountain, rocks, and running water. It is said to have been built by a high priest, Doson Wajo. It is also famous for its beautiful azalea blossoms, which bloom in spring. In 1976 most of the garden was lost due to a landslide.


Annual Events

  • Festivals:  January 16th and August 16th
  • Goma Kuyo (Goma Fire Ritual):  Every month on the 8th and 27th (starts at 10:00 a.m.)


Number:  Temple 68
Names:  Shippōzan, Jinnein
Denomination:  Daikakuji School of Shingon Buddhism
Principal image:  Amida Nyorai
Founder:  Nissho Shonin
Founded:  703
Mantra of Amida Nyorai:  On Amirita Teisei Karaun


Address:  1-2-7 Hachiman Town, Kannonji City, Kagawa 768-0061
Phone:  0875-25-3871
Parking: Yes
Lodging:  None
Official website:  http://www.shikoku88-6869.com/
Driving directions:  From the Onohara Interchange, take National Route 11 or Prefectural Route 8 toward Takamatsu City, cross the JR Yosan Railroad Line, and go straight. Cross the Saitagawa River and you will find a parking lot at the foot of Mt. Kotohikiyama.

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