QR Translator

❻ In This Corner of the World

In This Corner of the World

Written and illustrated by Hiroshima native Kōno Fumiyo, In This Corner of the World is a manga which depicts the lives of the people living in Hiroshima and Kure before and during the war. It was later turned into an animated feature film directed by Katabuchi Sunao.

Born in Eba (Naka-ku, Hiroshima City) to a family of dried seaweed manufacturers, Suzu travels to Nakajima Hon-machi to make a delivery to a customer in the winter of 1933. While she’s there, she leans against a brass handrail outside of a kimono shop with a mannequin in the window. That building is the Taisho-ya Kimono Shop, which would go on to become the Rest House.