QR Translator

Tsuchiyama Service Area
You can use
the "Mackey-Navi QR Translator"
within the Tsuchiyama Service Area.
Tsuchiyama Service Area offers its customers information on recommended shop items and facility functions in several different languages. With the use of your smartphone or tablet, you can scan the QR codes. Information will be displayed in the language of your device (with voice guide).
This is great for non-Japanese speaking customers who want to enjoy a hassle-free shopping experience.

This is great for…

* Recommending souvenirs (For those times you don't know what good presents to bring back home)
*Understanding food stub guides (For those times you want to eat but don't understand how to order your meal)

In the service area premises, duty free transaction guides and recommended item details are also set up with QR Codes. Please scan the QR codes for interesting information.

List of Shops

Not Activated

Not Activated

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Not Activated

Not Activated

Not Activated

Not Activated