The Path to Good Fortune | QR Translator

⑬The Path to Good Fortune

Since ancient times this route has been a place of pilgrimage, and mountain ascetics would meditate inside these tiny, cave-like structures. There are six torii gates on the route, each marking an inactive volcanic vent.
You can ask the kami (deities) for good fortune by praying or presenting an offering at each gate.

The God of Wind

The god of wind blows away sins and impurities, and also protects people from typhoons.

The God of Fire

The god of fire protects blacksmiths, pottery, and fireproofing. As this god prevents kitchen fires, it is also known to protect household items.

The God of Mountains

The god of mountains is also the god of water and rice paddies, as water cascades down from mountains to nourish the rice fields below. This god is also known for protecting hunters.

The God of Gold

The god of gold protects mining, ore manufacturing, as well as metal processing and sales. More recently, it is also considered a god of wealth.

The God of Enormous Strength

The god of enormous strength is especially helpful for those seeking a decisive victory.

The Sun Goddess

The sun goddess bestows happiness, prosperity, luck, and peace.




