Preparing for an Earthquake in Osaka
Preparing for an Earthquake in Osaka
Table of Contents
■ Be prepared

・Make sure your passport, wallet, smartphone and other valuables are easily accessible in case you need to get away quickly
・Store food and water in case you have to wait it out during an emergency
・Make sure you have at least two evacuation routes (such as stairways, corridors and emergency stairways)
■ If an earthquake strikes

1. If an earthquake strikes, protect yourself from physical danger
・Do not panic or run
・Get under a table or other sturdy furniture and stay there until the shaking stops
・Protect your head (a pillow, for example, can be used to protect your head from falling objects)
If you have a fire or are using natural gas
・Extinguish the fire as soon as possible
・No matter how difficult, extinguish any fire that is burning when the shaking stops
2. Evacuation preparation and evacuation
・Damage from an earthquake may render doors impossible to open, so open the front door immediately after an earthquake
・Plan an evacuation route (such as a stairway, a corridor or an emergency stairway)
・Do not use elevators or vehicles
・Protect your feet (wear shoes)
・Make sure both hands are free when evacuating
・Stay away from concrete-block walls, cliffs and riverbanks
3. Precautions in case of fire after an earthquake
・If a fire breaks out, do not panic and call 119 to make a report How to make a report
・Get help
・Extinguish the fire as soon as possible (in the initial stage while it is still small)
・If you decide you cannot put out the fire, evacuate quickly
・Cover your mouth and nose with a damp cloth and stay as close to the floor as possible
・Plan at least two evacuation routes
Communication tools
What happened?
There was an earthquake.
There is risk of a tsunami.
There is no risk of a tsunami.
Is it safe here?
You should stay indoors
You should go outside
Evacuate. There is a fire.
■ Preparing for heavy rain

1. Confirm the situation
Check the rain status
2. Evacuation preparation and evacuation
・Protect your head
・Protect your feet (wear shoes)
・Keep both hands free
・Do not use elevators or vehicles
・If you are underground, evacuate to above ground
・If you sense there is risk of a tsunami, evacuate to the third floor or higher in a sturdy building (made of reinforced concrete)
・Tsunamis may strike multiple times. It is dangerous until the tsunami warning has been canceled
・Do not go near rivers, irrigation channels or coastlines
・Areas where you cannot see the ground are dangerous. Stay away
・Stay away from underpasses
Note: An underpass is an underground passage that goes under a railroad or pavement.
・Care is needed even in water that is ankle-high
・Knee-level water is dangerous: A man 180 centimeters tall will be washed away by a tsunami 60 centimeters deep
Communication tools
Has a warning been issued?
Where should I evacuate to?
Is it safe here?
■ Preparing for landslides

・Mountain slopes and riversides are dangerous. Do not approach
・If you see a mountain slope or other sloping land with any of the following, get away immediately
・Cracks in a cliff or the ground
・Loose rocks tumbling down
・Water seeping from a cliff or the ground
・The water stops coming out of a spring or turns cloudy
・The water in a well or river turns cloudy
・There is a rumbling sound
・Trees are tilting
・The water level of a river drops even though there is rain
・There is the sound of trees splitting apart or rocks smashing
■ Emergency contacts
Osaka Foundation of International Exchange
English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean (South/North), Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, Tagalog, Vietnamese—9:00–17:30
Osaka Convention & Tourism Bureau
Osaka Call Center
■ How to make a report
1. Say whether there is a fire or whether emergency aid is needed
2. Location
・Give the location (address) and a mobile phone number.
・If you do not know the address, provide the name of a nearby landmark building or use a nearby public telephone.
3. Situation
・The number of people and other details
4. Wait
Leave your phone on and wait in that location as the police may need to call you to confirm the location or situation.
■ Contact information
Osaka Prefecture
119 general emergencies
Kyoto Prefecture
110 general emergencies
Kyoto City
110/119 general emergencies
110/119 general emergencies
■ Monitoring stations
Kyoshin Monitor: Earthquakes
Japan Meteorological Agency: Rain
Raincloud movement
■ Free Wi-Fi for emergencies
au Wi-Fi SPOT was opened to the public throughout Osaka Prefecture at 15:00 on June 18, 2018. The network name “00000JAPAN” can be selected to use the free wireless LAN service even by people who are not au customers.
*Note: As radio waves may not transmit well, posting on social media may be a more effective way to communicate than by telephone
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