Tenjin Matsuri: A Decidedly Urban Shinto Festival (1921) ~ Osaka Museum of Housing and Living ~ | QR Translator

Osaka Museum of Housing and Living 8th floor
Modern Osaka Floor "See and feel Osaka"

12. Tenjin Matsuri: A Decidedly Urban Shinto Festival (1921)
A representation of the Tenjin Matsuri boat parade.tenjin_01.jpg
The Tenjin Matsuri held on July 24 and 25 each year is Osaka’s largest city festival.

The festival’s climax is a boat parade on Okawa and Dojimakawa rivers held on the final day.
Over a million spectators enjoy a spectacular display of riverside lights, night stalls, and fireworks synonymous with summer in Osaka.

This model is based on a picture scroll painted in 1921.

The people wearing Western clothes and can-can hats, steam boats, and modern architecture give a good feel for this era. 

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