20180205 Addition
“I want to deliver these rare Takao grape to a large number of people”

Michiyo Ono, Ono Orchard
Grape farmer (Delaware, Takao, etc.)

Although Takahata is best known for its production of Delaware grapes, it also has a thriving cultivation of large grapes. Numerous varieties are grown, including Shine Muscat, Takao, Pione, Kyoho, and Rosario Bianco.
One variety that is especially characteristic of Takahata is the “Takao” black grape. Although we also grow them on this orchard, they are so difficult to cultivate that it almost feels like you are dealing with a restive horse. The vines require time and effort and they are prone to illness, so they are difficult to manage, and high-level skills are essential. This is precisely why the quantity produced nationwide is limited and Takao is such a rare pleasure.
However, the farmers of Takahata have developed excellent cultivation techniques, and the grapes are grown on a large number of farms. Seedless and easy to eat, and popular for their sweeter, less sour taste, the Takao is known as “the best-tasting black grape.”
The difficult thing about growing grapes is training and trimming the trees to shape them into the correct form. Deciding which branches to cut away and which to leave while judging the strength of the tree requires skill. If this process is not performed well, the tree will not bear fruit, or the fruit will not turn a good color. Leaving the trees to nature does not work, and good grapes can only be produced if the trees are cared for by people. When they experience our Takao, customers say, “I’ve never seen such big grapes. This is true craftsmanship!”
We are continuing to grow Takao grapes, despite the difficulties, driven by a desire to deliver this rare, best-tasting black grape to an even larger customer base and further expand the brand throughout the world.
“We boast the highest production of Chardonnay, the queen of white wine grapes, in Japan”

Ryoichi Oura
Wine grape farmer

Our primary crop is grapes used for making wine. Takahata also has a thriving wine grape industry, and we boast the highest domestic production of Chardonnay, which is known as the queen of white wine grapes. A large number of varieties are grown, including Merlot and Pinot Blanc, which are transported to the local Takahata Winery and used to make a wide range of wines.
As the saying goes, “Good grapes make good wine.” So the quality of a wine depends on the quality of its grapes. One of the reasons for the high quality and delicious taste of Takahata’s grapes is that the town lies at the same latitude as the world’s famous wine regions. Another characteristic is that, like our table grapes, even our wine grapes are cultivated under rain covers. Covering the vines with plastic sheets is a demanding task, but it is also essential if you want to grow delicious grapes.
Although we have farmed grapes for many years, even if they turn out well one year, they do not necessarily turn out the same the year after. If you become conceited and think, ”I’m the one who calls the shots,” you cannot produce good grapes. When cultivating grapes, I feel that it is important to think of yourself as their helper.
List of Key Agricultural Products from Takahata-machi, Yamagata Prefecture
Producers of Takahata: Made for You